influence: n.1.影响,感化 (on; upon)。2.势力,权势。3.有影响的人物[事物],有权势的人。4.感应。短语和例子exercise influence on [upon] sb. 影响某人,对某人施加影响。 have influence on [upon] sb. 对某人有影响。 a man of great influence 很有权势的人。 backstair inf
Are there other forces that influence demand ( e . g . seasonality ) 有没有其他影响需求的因素(如季节性) ?
Any factors affecting directly or indirectly purchase desire and purchase capacity will influence demand of modern consumption credit 任何直接或间接地影响现代消费信贷的购买欲望和购买能力的因素都会对现代消费信贷的需求产生影响。